Посты за 2017 год

I’ve been good for a realy long time but my panic attacks are coming back. Falling asleep is so hard to me again.

You know what sucks?

I’ve spent the whole day in bed,
Staring at the wall,
And soaking in bad feelings.
I know that positive thoughts could help,
But actually I’m too tired to give it a try.
This fight is exhausting.

Сколько времени прошло, а этот коуб по-прежнему забавный.

Пульт верховного главнокомандующего.

Waiting for mushrooms

Waiting for mushrooms.

Through the mists of the deep

On the shore dimly seen through the mists of the deep.

Пятница черная, а я — нет

Пятница черная, а я — нет.


Тоже мне, повод для праздника.

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